About SAP

Sustainable Agribusiness Programme is a Non Governmental Organization (NGO). The organization was registered in the year in 2022 as an NGO with NGO Coordination Board of Kenya Our core programs include Food and Nutrition, climate action, Inclusive value chain, Socio economic empowerment, Public health promotionGet in touch

Our Story

SAP Kenya is a unique organization. We were formed when a group of professionals, Civil society organizations and for profit organizations decided to work together based on the conviction that sustainable agriculture could be harnessed as an effective tool for food security , poverty alleviation, environmental protection while improving the lives of rural people. These partnerships forms the basis for SAP membership, which is increasingly growing since then with organizations from all over the world

Our Programs

Our Mission

Our mission is to empower base of pyramid communities and agribusiness enterprises in Kenya by strengthening supply chains, their capacity to use resources more efficiently and to become competitive while ensuring environmental sustainability

Our Values

We take great pride in being a locally owned, globally active organization. In all we do, we are held responsible for upholding and demonstrating our principles. We are open, trustworthy, inventive, and we support ongoing development. Our services stand out for their high caliber, adaptability, and affordability.

In the core areas of intervention our program are anchored in the following principles:

  • Thematic focused

    A proven record of accomplishment and expertise offunding in essential stakeholders and implementing partners with long-termgrowth profiles.

  • Sustainability minded

    A systematic approach that incorporates ESG into assessing the sustainability of community program, business and impact models to limit downside risk and capture forward-looking self-sustaining opportunities.

  • Actively engaged

    We are establishing along-standing reputation amongst beneficiaries and stakeholders to utilize inengaging with local and grassroot implementing partners in an effort to drive continuous improvement in their sustainability practices and metrics.

  • Impact oriented

    Grow the capabilities of civil society organizations, governments and communities through providing technical expertise and proven solutions.


Become a part of us today

Our lead team of directors have acquired a cumulative wealth of over 30 years experience in the Africa’s development sector, stakeholder engagement, related multi disciplinary experience useful in coordinating all SAP agribusiness and socio economic programs in Kenya’s 47 counties

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