Our Programs

Our programs are based on our key thematic areas: Micro finance, Agribusiness, Climate change, Health and Nutrition, Gender and Youth inclusion and Nurturing care SAPGet in touch

Our Commitment

SAP is committed to best practice in program coordination, M&E and knowledge management we work with local implementing partners so as to maximize the measurable impact of resources availed for the program

Sustainable Agriculture

Given that the agricultural industry has the ability to improve food security, reduce poverty, and lower child mortality through better nutrition, among other goals, it is well positioned to contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals.

Making the switch to sustainable agriculture is therefore essential because climate change is already endangering people and the environment.

Investing in farmers’ access to services is key to building their own businesses Successful cases of improving farmer income found that interventions built on productivity enhancing technologies (quality fertilizers, better seeds, improved livestock, and micro irrigation) yielded 80-140% income gains whereas those focusing on value chain inefficiencies registered in the 20-60% range.

Some of our objective under the Agriculture theme are:

  • To improve access to food, nutrition and income security in the marginalized communities and the informal settlements

  • Access to affordable micro finance is vital if smallholders are to invest in developing their farming businesses.

  • Farmer centered and geared towards empowering smallholder farming to survive and model a farming businesses that thrive

Currently we have been able to support 1000 farmers which includes 100 agro dealers, 122 agro SME’s, 12 seed companies and 1500 households across 7 counties.

Climate Change

It is widely acknowledged that the world needs to respond to the issue of climate change and that developing nations require assistance. The story about how climate change affects the health of women and girls in underprivileged areas in developing nations is rarely conveyed.

Families in marginalized communities are leaving their homes in search of food, water, and pasture, indicating that they are relocating farther and farther away from healthcare facilities, which will disrupt continuity of care and limit access to SRHR services.

  • Sustainable Agribusiness Program

    Sustainable Agribusiness Programme (SAP Kenya) works with the governments in addressing the effects of climate change by increasing the resilience of the poor and those who are vulnerable, and reducing their exposure and vulnerability to various economic, social, and environmental shocks and calamities as well as extreme weather occurrences associated to climate change.

  • Timely Access

    SAP Kenya provides timely access to a wide range of affordable financial services and loan products which is crucial for Small and Medium sized Enterprises (SMEs) including Farmer Based Organizations (FBOs) and farming households to enable them to invest in appropriate technologies, to manage cash flows, to adapt to climate shocks, and to facilitate growth.

  • Environmental friendly

    We encourage environmentally friendly production practices. As farming depends on rainfall, a major part of our work is helping vulnerable communities adapt to climate change.

Some of our projects include The Inuka Entrepreneurship program and Nawiri Early childhood Development Program.

Health and Wellbeing

Development requires a healthy population since only healthy societies can be innovative and productive.

The COVID 19 pandemic has highlighted disparities, raising important concerns about how the most vulnerable members of our societies can access healthcare and lead healthy lifestyles. 

Health issues are being exacerbated by environmental disruptions like the climate crisis and nature loss. As a result, many nations are dealing with a double burden of disease, where infectious diseases are still quite common and NCDs are spreading quickly.

  • Universal healthcare

    Universal Health care in a bid to address the social and economic determinants of health, while also developing skills for surveillance, diagnosis, and treatment.

  • Lobbying

    Lobbying for increased financing of primary health care through the operationalization of community health strategy across the country.

  • Healthhcare access

    Improved access to health care: Ensure access to proper maternal health services for women and focus particularly on nutrition for the first 1000 days of mother and child.

The Sustainable Agribusiness Program Kenya is the forefront and advocating for the above.


Healthy agricultural systems are essential to our quality of life and economy. Agricultural SMEs and farmer organizations exist by virtue of the existence of primary producers, i.e. small, medium and large-scale farmers.

Investing in farmers’ access to services is key to building their own businesses. Successful cases of improving farmer income found that interventions built on productivity enhancing technologies (quality fertilizers, better seeds, improved livestock, and micro-irrigation) yielded 80-140% income gains.

  • Affordable

    Promoting access to affordable micro-finance for SMEs, Farmers organizations and agri food enterprises.

  • Farmer centered

    Farmer-centered and geared towards empowering smallholder farming to survive and model a farming businesses that thrive.

  • Trainings and follows up

Financial inclusion is key to increased productivity and profitability in this sector.


Become a part of us today

Our lead team of directors have acquired a cumulative wealth of over 30 years experience in the Africa’s development sector, stakeholder engagement, related multi disciplinary experience useful in coordinating all SAP agribusiness and socio economic programs in Kenya’s 47 counties

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